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A Not-So-Picture-Perfect Christmas
Date: December 20, 2024Everybody loves a picture-perfect Christmas. Over the last few years, my girls have fallen in love with Hallmark Christmas movies. Have you watched these? If so, you know the plot is always the same.
President's Letter , 2024-2025 -
Thermostat Wars
Date: December 18, 2024The weather has cooled, so in living rooms, workplace offices, and church sanctuaries, an epic battle has begun—a mighty struggle between two forces, fighting for control, the fate of their world in the balance.
President's Letter , 2024-2025 -
Fall 2024 Dean’s List
Date: December 17, 2024Congratulations to the following Ozark Christian College students who were named to the Dean’s List for their academic achievement during the fall 2024 semester.
OCC Updates , 2024-2025 -
LCU Endowment Continues through OCC
Date: November 13, 2024As we enter the Thanksgiving season, we want to express our deep gratitude to Lincoln Christian University for entrusting their $4.8 million scholarship endowment to Ozark Christian College and Lincoln Seminary.
Here’s to Church Sound Guys
Date: November 4, 2024Consider this an ode to an unsung hero in your church.
President's Letter , 2024-2025 -
A Prayer for the Upcoming Election
Date: October 25, 2024President Matt Proctor’s 2020 election prayer still rings true today. Will you join us in praying for peace, discernment, grace, faith, and repentance?
President's Letter , 2024-2025 -
How to Keep Sleepy Students Awake
Date: July 1, 2024Warm classrooms make for sleepy students. If you’re the teacher, which of these four options would you choose to keep them awake?
President's Letter , 2024-2025 -
Spring 2024 Dean's List
Date: May 15, 2024Congratulations to the following Ozark Christian College students who were named to the Dean's List for their academic achievement during the spring 2024 semester.
OCC Updates , 2023-2024 -
An Elevator Can Have Transformative Powers
Date: March 15, 2024I’ve never seen an elevator restore youth. But I have seen an elevator transform three types of people at Ozark.
President's Letter , 2023-2024