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Announcing Dr. Jeff Snell

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Dear Ozark Family,

As you know, the Lord continues to bless and guide our efforts in Lincoln Seminary at Ozark Christian College. Just this term, 130 seminary students are enrolled, and 50 seminary students will graduate this spring. We praise God for his hand and his help.

As the seminary continues to expand, and as part of OCC’s 2025-2030 strategic plan, we recently began exploring the possibility of offering a Doctor of Ministry program. After months of prayerful discussion, I’m excited to announce that, beginning in July, Dr. Jeff Snell will serve as associate dean of Lincoln Seminary, teaching at the graduate level and overseeing our Master of Divinity program. Jeff will also lead our exploration of developing a Doctor of Ministry and serve as our accreditation liaison to the Association of Theological Schools (ATS).

Of course, Dr. Snell is not new to Ozark or to Lincoln. He earned a Bachelor of Biblical Literature from OCC in 1989, and a Master of Arts in New Testament and Master of Divinity in Christian Ministries from Lincoln Christian Seminary in 1996 and 1997. Jeff also holds a Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Jeff has served as the preaching minister in churches in Oklahoma and Illinois and as OCC’s professor of Bible, preaching, and New Testament. He has directed the preaching programs at Ozark, Lincoln Christian University, and Johnson University, and he designed the Doctor of Ministry program and led the accreditation appeals at LCU. Most recently, Jeff has served as the dean of Congregational Ministry and Preaching at Johnson.

Jeff brings a wealth of experience in higher education. He also brings a personal familiarity and steadfast commitment to OCC and our mission. Dean of Lincoln Seminary Dr. Michael DeFazio says, “I know of no one more suited than Jeff Snell to join and advance the work God is doing through Lincoln Seminary at OCC. Our students—and through them our churches—will be enriched by Jeff’s love for God’s Word, gifts and wisdom as a preacher and teacher, firm commitment to forming healthy leaders, and wealth of experience in academic leadership.”

In the coming months, Jeff will lead the exploration of a Doctor of Ministry program at Lincoln Seminary. We’ll keep you posted on the details and timeline of this possible program as they become available, but in the meantime, please be in prayer for Jeff as he joins us in Joplin this summer, and continue to pray for God’s provision and direction at OCC, as together we seek to make Christ known through the church.

In Christ,

Chad Ragsdale
Executive Vice President of Academics/Academic Dean