Consumer Information
In compliance with federal regulations, the following information about Ozark Christian College is available on our website for current and prospective students, parents, and the public. For your convenience, we’ve provided links below.
Academic Information
- Academics
- Academic Assessment
- Academic Catalog
- Accessibility
- Accreditation
- Articulation Agreements
- Campus Map
- Contact Directory
- Copyright Infringement Policy
- Course Schedule
- Credit Hour Policy and Procedure - Undergraduate
- Credit Hour Policy and Procedure - Seminary
- Disability Services
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts (FERPA)
- Online Student Handbook
- Residential Campus Student Handbook
- Seminary Handbook
- Transfer Course List from other Institutions - Undergraduate Courses
- Transfer of Credit - Undergraduate
- Transfer of Credit - Graduate/Seminary
- Withdrawal Procedures - Undergrad
- Withdrawal Procedures - Graduate/Seminary
Student Outcomes
- College Average Annual Cost and Median Earnings
- College Navigator Information
- Completion and Graduation Rates - Undergraduate and Seminary
- Completion and Retention Rates by Undergraduate Degree Programs
- Degree Program Enrollment - Undergraduate and Graduate/Seminary
- Diversity of Student Body - Undergraduate and Seminary
- Graduate Education Placement for Undergraduate Students
- Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates
- Job Placement Rates for Undergraduates
- Job Placement Rates for Seminary Graduates
- Retention and Persistence - Undergraduate and Seminary
- Student Financial Services Data (Default Rate and Average Loans)
- Student Learning Outcomes for Programs and Majors
Financial Assistance Information for Students
- Books and Supplies Policy for Pell Eligible Students
- Entrance Counseling for Student Borrowers
- Exit Counseling for Student Borrowers
- Graduate Payment Policy
- Graduate Refund Policy
- Institutional and Memorial Grants
- Loan Information
- Net Price Calculator
- Pell Recalculation Policy
- Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid
- Scholarships
- Student Employment
- Tuition & Aid
- Undergraduate Payment Policy
- Undergraduate Refund Policy
Additional Consumer Information
Textbook Information
Students can view textbook requirements for courses through the college’s student portal at the time of registration. The student can see book titles, author, publisher, ISBN, and OCC bookstore price.
Voter Registration
Resident voters of Missouri can refer to the Missouri Secretary of State website to access voter registration information for each county in Missouri. Non-Missouri residents should refer to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission for voter registration