Estimated cost of education for international students based on living on or off campus and number of dependents. For questions concerning financial aid or scholarships, contact finaid@occ.edu or 417.626.1206.
- Living On Campus
· Tuition, fees, books, and supplies: $17,280.00
· Room and Meal Plan: $7,495.00Estimated Total: $24,775
Additional cost to consider:
Living expenses for summer and holidays (approximate): $4,550.00
Health Insurance: cost based on individual age and coverage chosen
NOTE: All students must live on campus unless they are:
1. Married and living together
2. Living locally with a (non-student) relative
3. Have completed 90 credit hours - Living Off Campus
· Tuition, fees, books, and supplies: $17,280.00
· Living expenses for one academic year (9 months): $13,655.00Estimated Total: $30,935.00
Additional cost to consider:
Living expenses for summer and holidays (approximate): $4,550.00
Health Insurance: cost based on individual age and coverage chosen
- Living Off Campus with Dependents
· Tuition, fees, books, and supplies: $17,280.00
· Living expenses for one academic year (9 months): $13,655.00Estimated Total (per academic year): $30,935.00
Additional cost to consider:
Living expenses for summer and holidays (approximate): $5,700.00
Add approximately $2,900.00 per family member per year for living expenses
Health Insurance: cost based on individual age and coverage chosen
If both spouses enroll, add per year: $17,280.00
- Additional Note
*All costs are subject to change without notice - costs may rise 3-5% annually.
Ozark Christian College provides neither on- or off-campus housing for married students, nor off-campus housing for unmarried students. On-campus housing for unmarried students is in double occupancy rooms in residence halls. Single occupancy rooms may be available for an additional cost.
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