Human Resources
Employee Benefits
- All Employees
· Weekly chapel service
· Opportunity to lead a mentor group
· Weekly employee lunch and time of devotion
· On-campus Dining Hall with employee discounts for meals
· Special event attendance
· Use of campus facilities and services (Student Center, Multi-Purpose Building, Health Services, and Library access)
· Complimentary tickets to sporting events and on-campus productions (tournament exclusions apply)
· Bookstore discount on most items - Part-Time Employees
All of the above mentioned all employee benefits plus:
· Short-term absence time
· Holiday pay
· Opportunity to contribute with matching into a 401k plan
· Enrollment benefit for dependents, spouse, and self
· Opportunity to participate in a flexible spending plan - Full-Time Employees
All of the above mentioned benefits plus:
· Paid vacation days
· Paid Christian service days
· Paid extended sick leave
· Employer-paid long-term disability
· Employer-paid life insurance plan with dependent life
· Employer-paid health insurance plan
· Opportunity to participate in employee-paid dental and vision plan
· Christian Churches Pension Plan
· Enrollment benefit
Additional Employee Resources
- Statement of Faith
Ozark Christian College has its roots in the Stone-Campbell heritage (Independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ) that began in the United States in the early 19th century. This heritage seeks the unity of all Christians based on the authority of the Bible for the evangelization of the world. OCC recognizes that creeds and confessions of faith have at times been more divisive than unifying, but in light of its commitment to Scripture, OCC believes that agreement on certain matters of the faith is essential to carry out its mission. Therefore to avoid any misunderstanding or misinterpretation, the following statements are given and all trustees, administrators, and faculty affirm their unqualified acceptance of the following:
GOD: There is one, holy God who eternally exists in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God created all things visible and invisible. God is perfect in wisdom, power, and love, knowing all things past, present, and future, and his sovereign plan of redemption was set in place before the foundation of the world. (Gen 1:1-2, Dt. 6:4, Heb 11:3, Eph 1:9-10; Rev 13:8)
JESUS: Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son, born of a virgin, fully divine and fully human, and our Savior and Lord. Jesus, who was without sin, died in our place as a substitutionary sacrifice for our sins, bearing divine wrath, and reconciling to God all who trust in him. Jesus was bodily resurrected in victory over sin and death. He ascended to the right hand of the Father where he presently reigns as our king, high priest, and advocate until his glorious return. (John 3:16, Col 1:15; 2:9-15; 1 Cor 15:3-8, 20-28; 2 Cor 5:18-21; Heb 4:14-15)
HOLY SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit is fully divine and active in the church and the world. The Holy Spirit draws all people to Christ by illuminating the gospel and convicting of sin. The Holy Spirit dwells in the life of a believer to transform, guide, assure, and empower living a fruitful Christian life. (John 16:8-11; Acts 2:38; 2 Cor 3:17-18; Gal 3:2)
BIBLE: God is revealed in the Bible, the uniquely inspired written Word of God and infallible in all that it affirms. The Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. (2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:20-21)
HUMANITY: God creates all humans, male and female, in his image, and therefore all people have intrinsic value and purpose. By the sin of the first man and woman (Adam and Eve), death entered the world. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, alienated from God and without hope apart from the blood of Jesus Christ. (Gen 1:26-27; Gen 3; Rom 3:23; Eph 2:1-3)
SALVATION: Salvation can be found in Christ alone and is offered to all by grace through faith. A living faith is demonstrated through repentance, confession, baptism by immersion, and a life of obedience. (Rom 3:23; 5:12, Acts 2:38, Gal 3:26-29; Eph 2:4-10)
CHURCH: The church is the body of Christ on earth, with Christ as the head. God’s church is comprised of a priesthood of all believers, serving as minister of the gospel according to the gifts which God has given them. Together the church is called to make disciples of all nations until Christ returns. (Matt 28:18-20; Eph 3:10; 4:11-13; Col 1:18; 1 Pet 2:9-10)
RETURN OF CHRIST: Christ will visibly return to restore creation and judge the world. There will be a bodily resurrection for the believers to eternal life with God in heaven and for the unbelievers to eternal judgment in hell. In heaven, sin will be no more and those in Christ will live in fellowship with God forever. (Acts 1:11; 2 Thess 1:5-12; 1 Thess 4:13-18; Rev 20:11-15)
- Faculty Qualifications
ESSENTIAL (Candidate must have the following to be considered.)
1. Evidence of Christian maturity
2. Passion for discipleship and global evangelism
3. Has demonstrated servant leadership
4. Unreserved commitment to OCC’s statement of faith, mission, vision, values, and principles, including OCC’s statement on marriage, gender, and sexuality
5. Active church member
6. Commitment to Restoration Movement principles
7. Possesses necessary academic or professional credentialsIMPORTANT (The absence of any of the following would require follow-up investigation.)
1. An active member in a Restoration Movement church
2. A disposition inclined to teamwork, friendliness, humility, and service
3. The capacity to accomplish tasks well and on time
4. Able to use educational technology effectively and teach across multiple modalities
5. Effective and creative communicator
6. Extensive ministry experienceDESIRED (The following are distinguishing factors.)
1. Personally familiar with the ethos of OCC or similar institutions
2. Teaching experience at the collegiate level
3. A terminal degree in the appropriate field of study (for undergrad)
4. A recognized expert either in the published or spoken word
5. Represents a diverse perspective - Equal Employment Opportunity Provider
Ozark Christian College is affiliated with Christian churches and churches of Christ. Its mission is to train men and women for Christian service. The college seeks to educate and hire individuals who share its core values to accomplish its mission. It is the intent of the college to create and promote a diverse workforce consistent with its stated goals and mission.
It is the policy of Ozark Christian College not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability in admission and access to educational opportunities, programs, activities, or employment as applicable to ministries in section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended and implementing regulations.
As a religious educational institution, Ozark Christian College reserves the right to make employment decisions based on religion, marital status, or sex consistent with the college’s religious beliefs. Further, as a Christian ministry, the college has the right to select those who serve in ministerial positions based on criteria established by the college.
- Holiday Schedule
Ozark Christian College considers the following to be established paid holidays.
· Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
· Thursday-Friday of Spring Break (as determined by Academics Calendar)
· Good Friday
· Memorial Day
· Juneteenth Independence Day
· Independence Day
· Labor Day
· Monday-Tuesday of Fall Break (as determined by Academics Calendar)
· Wednesday-Friday of Thanksgiving Break
· Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day (up to seven paid days off)Full-time employees required to work on an established paid holiday will receive holiday pay along with pay for the time worked. If the holiday falls in a full week of an employee’s vacation leave, the day will not be counted in the vacation leave. Part-time employees working 1,000-1,559 hours can choose 76 hours of regularly scheduled holidays with pay/employment year.