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How to Keep Sleepy Students Awake
Date: July 1, 2024Warm classrooms make for sleepy students. If you’re the teacher, which of these four options would you choose to keep them awake?
President's Letter , 2024-2025 -
An Elevator Can Have Transformative Powers
Date: March 15, 2024I’ve never seen an elevator restore youth. But I have seen an elevator transform three types of people at Ozark.
President's Letter , 2023-2024 -
Behold the Lamb
Date: March 6, 2024Springtime is lambing season at the Proctor home, and yesterday, our first mama sheep gave birth.
President's Letter , 2023-2024 -
Is that Superman standing by Mary in the stable?
Date: December 1, 2023I always wanted to be a hero. But I'm NOT going to ask you to be a hero...
President's Letter , 2023-2024 -
Help Keep Ozark Messy
Date: October 1, 2023In 1999, with kid #3 on the way, Katie and I bought a house, not fancy but clean. (I grew up in a very neat home, and I still like tidy.) In 2007, with kid #6 on the way, we knocked out the back wall, added on, and it’s never been clean since.
President's Letter , 2023-2024 -
$5.9 Million Goal Achieved
Date: September 16, 2023My wife Katie and I have six kids, and when we completed a family project—clearing trees, building a shed, putting up fence—we celebrated. This almost always involved ice cream.
President's Letter , 2023-2024 -
Some Places Are Made for Matchmaking
Date: June 15, 2023I laughed out loud at the headline: “Bible College to Provide Complimentary Wives to Unmarried Ministry Graduates.”
President's Letter , 2022-2023 -
A Middle-Aged Man, Middle C, and the Middle East: How One Bible Promise Ties Them All Together
Date: March 15, 2023My 29-year-old son Luke sent me a book last week: From Strength to Strength by Arthur Brooks. The book’s subtitle? Finding Success and Purpose in the Second Half of Life. But the back cover suggests an alternate subtitle: The Good News About Your Inevitable Decline.
President's Letter , 2022-2023 -
A Life-Changing Lesson
Date: December 15, 2022This is the story of a tall, dark-haired German…a short, Missouri redhead…a big, silver dishwasher...and a life-changing lesson.
President's Letter , 2022-2023