Christian Formation

At Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, our Bachelor of Arts in Christian Formation explores how people grow into the image of Christ. You'll learn how to direct a discipleship program in the church, recruit and train volunteers, and design a curriculum to help people grow to be more like Jesus.
4 years
Possible Job Opportunities
- Foundations for Christian Formation & Spirituality
This course will begin with a biblical, theological, and historical study of examining how various individuals and movements experienced and sought to nurture their relationship with God. The course will then examine principles for the lifelong process of making disciples in a changing culture. Students will also be introduced to authors with Christian spiritual formation (Nouwen, Peterson, Tozer, Lawrence, etc.). Building upon the courses in Principles of Discipleship and Evangelism and Essentials of Spiritual Formation, students will learn how to assess and coordinate spiritual growth through providing resources for individuals and groups to understand how they are maturing in Christ.
- Strategies for Formation in Community
Effective biblical community and fellowship are critical to the life of any church. Students will be introduced to the biblical and theological understanding of community so they might understand the positive and negative aspects of group dynamics and how groups impact the community of faith and spiritual growth of individuals. Students will develop and refine their skills in leading groups through discussion and learn how to administrate group ministries to encourage personal spiritual formation and the life of the church.
- Practical Issues in Leadership Ministry
This course is a study of the theoretical and practical dynamics relating to the development of functional maturity and pastoral/administrative behaviors both in the leader (personal) and the organization (corporate). Through lectures, classroom discussion/activities, observations, and projects, the student will gain an understanding of the roles and behaviors of leaders and an assessment of their own leadership.
- Spiritual Direction and Mentoring
This course is an introduction to the principles of spiritual direction: the discipline for intentionally guiding persons in their spiritual growth. Topics of this course include the history of spiritual direction, theological, biblical, and psychological premises for the practice of spiritual direction, the difference between spiritual direction, discipleship, and counseling, and the nature and practice of spiritual direction. Seminar format.
- Cultural Anthropology
Students are introduced to the field of cultural anthropology through a careful examination of the five main value paradigms that drive the behaviors of human culture. Emphasis will be placed on how students can practice cultural discernment by recognizing the value systems and engaging with the behavioral choices that are experienced in the local church, cross-cultural environments, and systems throughout human history.
- Theology, Technology and Digital Culture
This course explores a theological understanding of digital technologies, especially social technologies like social media and smartphones. Focused attention is paid to the various effects of digital technologies on human flourishing, personal discipleship, and the global mission of the church. This course is taught in a weekend seminar modality. Seminar format.
Looking for a full list of courses?
View the complete course information in our catalog.
Christian Formation Program Descriptions and Outcomes
- Program Descriptions
This program is designed to prepare students for various types of ministries to adults (discipleship, small groups, campus, family, men’s, women’s, college age, or senior adult ministries) in various church or parachurch organizations. Students in this program will participate in courses focused on personal and community formation toward facilitating a culture of discipleship.
- Program Outcomes
Students completing the BA in Christian Formation will be able to:
1. Disciple adults in various types of ministry settings.
2. Articulate God’s desire for authentic community.
3. Facilitate a culture of discipleship.
4. Describe the process of spiritual formation.
Meet Your Faculty Contact
“For a culture awash in confusion about identity, what can the church provide? At Ozark Christian College, we train you to speak the Word of Christ in the Spirit of Christ, and lead others into a relationship with God that provides all we need to truly know who we are.”
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Prepare to serve in a wide variety of ministries within a church or parachurch organization.