
Looking for a broad approach to ministry preparation? The Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, prepares you to serve in a wide variety of ministries within a church or parachurch organization. The Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry is a great option for students who want the flexibility of being trained in multiple ministry fields. A large number of ministry elective hours in this program lets students pursue different areas of interest.
4 years
Possible Job Opportunities
- Practical Issues in Leadership Ministry
This course is a study of the theoretical and practical dynamics relating to the development of functional maturity and pastoral/administrative behaviors both in the leader (personal) and the organization (corporate). Through lectures, classroom discussion/activities, observations, and projects, the student will gain an understanding of the roles and behaviors of leaders and an assessment of their own leadership. Prerequisite: 75 earned hours.
- Foundations for Organizational Leadership
This course provides the fundamental components for a basic understanding of organizational leadership. Consideration will be given to the theological, philosophical, and practical considerations of leadership in a wide array of organizational structures (church, parachurch, nonprofit, and businesses). Classes will involve lectures, small group interactions with case studies, and focused projects.
- Foundations for Biblical Justice
Explores the theological foundation for biblical justice. Themes include justice, suffering, government, poverty, and the church’s response to God’s call for “the least of these.” Lecture, discussion, reading, and practical learning experiences.
- Foundations for Christian Formation & Spirituality
This course will begin with a biblical, theological, and historical study of examining how various individuals and movements experienced and sought to nurture their relationship with God. The course will then examine principles for the lifelong process of making disciples in a changing culture. Students will also be introduced to authors with Christian spiritual formation (Nouwen, Peterson, Tozer, Lawrence, etc.). Building upon the courses in Principles of Discipleship and Evangelism and Essentials of Spiritual Formation, students will learn how to assess and coordinate spiritual growth through providing resources for individuals and groups to understand how they are maturing in Christ.
- Strategies for Biblical Communication
This gender-inclusive course is designed to aid in the construction and delivery of expository and theological-thematic sermons. Students learn how to craft two sermon series (expository and topical).
Looking for a full list of courses?
View the complete course information in our catalog.
Christian Ministry Program Descriptions and Outcomes
- Program Descriptions
Rather than offering field specific preparation, this program takes a broader approach to ministry preparation. Vocationally, a graduate in this program may serve in various ministries within a church or parachurch organization. Christian Ministry would be an attractive option to a student who desires the flexibility of getting some training in multiple fields of ministry. A larger number of ministry elective hours are offered in this program for students to pursue different areas of interest.
- Program Outcomes
Students completing the BA in Christian Ministry will be able to:
1. Integrate a Christian service philosophy, biblical theology, cultural context, and call to ministry (vocation).
2. Demonstrate the ability to engage the culture in which Christian service takes place.
3. Execute the principles of biblical discipleship within their Christian service context.
4. Demonstrate professional competencies in Christian service contexts.
Meet Your Faculty Contact
“When you add Ozark's Bible and ministry training to your bachelor's or associate's degree, you'll be prepared for Christian service in a wide variety of contexts.”
Chad Ragsdale Chief Academic Officer | New Testament and Hermeneutics Professor
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