Requesting a Transcript

OCC partners with Parchment to provide official electronic and paper transcripts. A small fee is paid directly to Parchment with a debit or credit card. Expedited delivery of paper transcripts is also available for an additional fee.
Note: If you attended both Ozark Christian College and Lincoln Christian University, you will need to request transcripts from both institutions.
- Former Ozark Christian College Students
Former students may request an official transcript through the Parchment secure storefront by following these steps:
- Click here and create an account using your email address
- Select Recipient (an organization, self or other individual)
- Select Document Type (electronic or paper—additional fee applies for paper)
- Select Delivery Method (if sending paper transcript—additional fees applies for expedited mail)
- Checkout and provide electronic consent to release your records
- Provide payment information (major debit/credit cards accepted and charged when order is submitted)
- You will receive email updates as your order is processed
- Current Ozark Christian College Students
Current students may request an official transcript by logging on to and following these steps:
- Go to the REGISTRAR tab
- Click on the Official Transcript button
- Verify your name/address (this is only required the first time you log in to Parchment)
- Select Recipient (an organization, self or other individual)
- Select Document Type (electronic or paper—additional fee applies for paper)
- Select Delivery Method (if sending paper transcript—additional fees applies for expedited mail)
- Checkout and provide electronic consent to release your records
- Provide payment information (major debit/credit cards accepted and charged when order is submitted)
- You will receive email updates as your order is processed
- Former Lincoln Christian University and Lincoln Christian Seminary Students
- Click here and create an account using your email address
- Select Recipient (an organization, self or other individual)
- Select Document Type (electronic or paper–additional fee applies for paper)
- Select Delivery Method (If sending paper transcript–additional fee applies for expedited mail)
- Checkout and provide electronic consent to release your records
- Provide payment information (major debit/credit cards accepted and charged when order is submitted)
- You will receive email updates as your order is processed