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Dr. Chad Ragsdale, academic dean, and New Testament and hermeneutics professor
Website: chadragsdale.com
· Christian Convictions
· Holy Grit
· The Disciple's Mind
Jessica Scheuermann, assistant academic dean and English professor
Website: Thoughts Dipped in Ink
Dr. Shane J. Wood, New Testament and critical backgrounds professor
Website: shanejwood.com
· Between Two Trees
Matt Stafford, director of the Worship and Creative Arts Department and worship professor
Website: mattstaffordpsalms.com
Every Thought Captive podcast by OCC professors Dr. Chad Ragsdale, Doug Welch, and Michael DeFazio
Dr. Teresa Welch Roberts, director of Children's Ministry Department and Christian formation professor
Website: drteresaroberts.com
· Raising Disciples
The views expressed on these personal platforms may not reflect those of Ozark Christian College.