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Youth Minister

Driftwood Christian Church

About the Organization

Organization Description

Driftwood Christian Church is an independent Christian church in a safe and stable community of agricultural rhythms. A successful candidate will be a man with a vibrant relationship with his Creator and Savior who can communicate the Word of God as infallible and powerful Truth to our youth.
  • Organization Name
    Driftwood Christian Church
  • Organization Location
    Cherokee, OK, United States of America
  • Number of Employees
  • Average Weekly Church Attendance

About the Position

Position Description

Evangelize the youth of our local community. Oversee all DCC youth activities. A 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with garage is provided in the town of Burlington, OK which is a short distance from the church.
  • Position Name
    Youth Minister
  • Position Location
    Cherokee, OK, United States of America
  • Position Start Date
    2024-09-07 14:53:17

Position Ministry Type

  • Youth

Position Employment Type

  • Full-time

Applicant Next Steps

Send resume to [email protected]. You will be contacted shortly thereafter by an Elder through email.

Youth Minister

Elders Mark Harden, Charles Garvie, Terry Morgan and Randy McCullough Elder
(580) 431-2395 [email protected] 32516 State Highway 8 Cherokee, OK, United States of America