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Spring Road Christian Church

About the Organization

Organization Description

Spring Road Christian Church (SRCC) is a Christian Church located in Lanett, Alabama, with a rich history and roots dating back to beginning of the Restoration Movement. After hearing Alexander Campbell around 1845, Reuben Lanier saw a need to start a local Christian church. He, along with a small group of Christians, began meeting in homes in 1853. At the turn of the century, that group of visionaries built its first building. The church relocated to a new building in 1970 and renamed the church to Spring Road Christian Church. Spring Road has been serving our local community for over 150 years. Our community, traditionally termed a mill village, revolved around several local textile mills that ceased operations several decades back. We now affectionately refer to our community as “the valley.” This description encapsulates three cities located within five miles of each other. We have two local college campuses in our area, Point University and Southern Union Community College, giving Spring Road Christian Church an amazing opportunity to help shape the next generation of Christian leaders. Our community is ethnically, culturally and economically diverse and is prime for a dynamic ministry program to serve and show the love of Jesus Christ.

  • Organization Name
    Spring Road Christian Church
  • Organization Location
    Lanett, AL, United States of America
  • Number of Employees
  • Average Weekly Church Attendance

About the Position

Position Description

The following are several basic tenets SRCC strives to follow:

  • Mission: We are committed to three basic beliefs: love God and his perfect Son Jesus Christ wholeheartedly, love all people as we love ourselves, and seek to make disciples of all people and teach them to obey all that Jesus commanded us.
  • Love: We are committed to loving God and loving others, and to be known for our love for one another.
  • Worship: We strive to glorify God through worship that is rooted in Scripture and that draws us closer to Him.
  • Serve: We are called to serve our community and those in need, through both physical and spiritual acts of love and kindness.
  • Teach: We seek to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to all people through expository preaching and teaching. We preach and teach the Word of God without compromise at every opportunity.
  • Lead: We prioritize the practice of discipling others in the faith helping them grow in their understanding of the Bible and their relationship with God and others.
  • Stewardship: We strive to be wise stewards of the resources God has given us, using them to meet the needs of the church and our neighbors.
  • Unity: We seek to foster unity in diversity, standing together as a church family united in our purpose of growing in our faith, sharing God’s love, and serving our neighbors. Overview of Responsibilities The senior pastor is responsible for the overall execution of Spring Road’s mission. The senior pastor will work closely with staff, volunteers, and elders to accomplish this mission and will implement and oversee the annual teaching plan. The senior pastor, in conjunction with the elders, will develop and implement a plan for reaching our community through outreach and volunteer development.

Key Responsibilities include:

  • Preaching and Teaching: Develop and lead an annual biblically based teaching plan to inspire spiritual growth and encourage discipleship.
  • Leadership: Empowering and developing staff, volunteers, and students to grow in their faith and discipleship to be the hands and feet of Jesus and accomplish our mission.
  • Pastoral Care: Developing and overseeing a plan to help meet the emotional and spiritual needs of our congregation.
  • Operational Stewardship: Assist with the development and oversight of the resources God has given Spring Road with the goal of meeting the congregational needs and for reaching into our community locally and abroad to help meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
  • Position Name
    Senior Pastor
  • Position Location
    Lanett, AL, United States of America
  • Position Start Date
    2025-01-23 00:00:00

Position Ministry Type

  • Preaching/Senior

Position Employment Type

  • Full-time

Applicant Next Steps

Applications should be submitted through Spring Road's "Senior Pastor" job posting on

Senior Pastor

Nathan Jones Interim Senior Pastor
(708) 870-4519 223 Baywood Cricle LaGrange, GA, United States of America