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Riverside Church

About the Organization

Organization Description

Riverside is a Bible-believing church, meeting south of Big Rapids, MI. We love Almighty God and declare salvation in Jesus Christ alone!
  • Organization Name
    Riverside Church
  • Organization Location
    Stanwood, MI, United States of America
  • Number of Employees
  • Average Weekly Church Attendance

About the Position

Position Description

Riverside is a Bible-believing church meeting south of Big Rapids, MI: a rural setting and culture, but with ties and proximity to a college town. We were formed in 2018. We give careful attention to the essentials of Christian orthodoxy (including Jesus' deity and propitiation for our sins) is deep in our DNA.

 While acknowledging our historic roots and continued appreciation for the Restoration Movement approach to Biblical Christianity, we fully embrace Jesus' prayer that his body be one as it is sanctified in the truth (John 17:17-21). Both the congregation and leadership carry a variety of theological perspectives on secondary and personal matters, yet all within the realm of a theologically conservative Biblical faith that seeks further conformity to the mind of Christ. Mindful that the days are evil (Eph 5:8-16), we desire Christian brotherhood with lovers of the truth and prioritize Jesus lordship over and against competing claims and deceptions. Jesus saves and His light in us exposes the darkness.

With this identity and purpose in view, Riverside seeks an anointed man of God to further equip and lead the body through preaching of the Word, evangelism and discipling. This spiritual service will be the pastors primary focus and responsibility. He must be a born again believer, showing evidence of faith, goodness, knowledge, discipline, renewal of mind and ongoing sanctification, while fully crediting and glorifying God. We do not require a perfectly polished speaker, but a man guided by the Holy Spirit to preach the Word with clarity and conviction. His ability to prepare and deliver a sound expository sermon should be accompanied by a humility in obeying the Holy Spirit's direction for the needs of the moment.

The Pastor will also live out the Great Commission by engaging in the community, and by modeling the character of Christ in all his relationships. Fostering strong working relationships with the church's elders and deacons, he is able to both provide counsel and receive direction as the situation requires.

Full-time salary is $40,000 to $55,000 commensurate with experience; benefits negotiable

  • Position Name
  • Position Location
    Stanwood, MI, United States of America

Position Ministry Type

  • Preaching/Senior

Position Employment Type

  • Full-time

Applicant Next Steps

Send your resume and mission statement to [email protected] to recorded messages or teachings are also welcome. Our elders will review your material and take time to prayerfully consider before replying.


Randy Piatt Elder
(989) 382-1054 [email protected] 20540 8 Mile Rd. Stanwood, MI, United States of America