About the Organization
Organization Description
We are a small independent Christian Church
Organization Name
Moran Christian Church
Organization Location
Moran, KS, United States of America
Number of Employees
Average Weekly Church Attendance
About the Position
Position Description
We are seeking a part time pastor for our church. We are a small congregation and realize our pastor will need to have another job outside the church. We would pay a designated sum each time the candidate filled the pulpit each week. Any additional responsibilities could be negotiated as they come up.
Position Name
Part Time Pastor
Position Location
Moran, KS, United States of America
Position Start Date
2024-05-04 00:00:00
Position Ministry Type
- Preaching/Senior
Position Employment Type
- Part-Time
Applicant Next Steps
To apply for the position please reach out the Julie Carlson to set up a try out. After that if interested the applicant would write a note or letter to advise the board of their interest in the position. The board would ask you to meet with them to address any additional questions either party might have. Then the board would make a recommendation to the congregation and it would be presented for a vote. The prospective minister must be accepted by at least a two-thirds majority of members present before a call may be extended.
Part Time Pastor
Julie Carlson
Board President