Intercultural Studies

Do you have a heart for the nations? Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, is a great place to stoke that fire. In the Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies degree, you'll be trained for the mind, heart, and soul that are so important to intercultural service. You'll learn from professors who have many years of experience, meet Global Ambassador Partners from all over the world, be trained to live in a cross-cultural setting, serve on a field internship with experienced workers and organizations, and discover teachable principles about God’s heart for the nations.
4 years
Possible Job Opportunities
- World Religions
Surveys the world’s most influential religions through a Christian perspective. Students learn the history and teachings of these religions, how these religions impact contemporary cultures, and how these religions intersect with Christianity.
- Strategies for Intercultural Ministry
Broad overview of brands and methodologies for reaching various contexts. Discussion of various approaches and kinds of ministry along with field-specific preparation. Lecture, media, reading, discussion.
- Strategies for Teaching
This course is designed to explore the strategies governing the teaching/learning process and the methods used to convey biblical truth in the lesson plan, the classroom setting, and the teacher/student relationship.
- Interpreting Culture
This course trains students to understand key elements of culture, using New York City as a laboratory. Students will learn to identify cultural artifacts and differentiate between cultural constructs and Christian virtue, with a view toward adaptability in ministry.
- Orientation to Church Planting
This course introduces students to some of the key concepts and methods of establishing new congregations. Students will grow in awareness of the distinct ministry challenges and opportunities involved with church planting. The format of the course will include a trip to a church planting conference or site.
- History of the World Christian Movement
Studies the lives and ministries of men and women who have led missions over the history of the church. Students understand the people, issues, and dynamics of the missions movement from the end of the New Testament through modern times. Lecture, media, reading, discussion.
Looking for a full list of courses?
View the complete course information in our catalog.
Intercultural Studies Program Description and Outcomes
- Program Description
This program is designed for students who wish to develop their skills and deepen their passion for ministry that crosses cultural barriers. This preparation is accomplished with three avenues of engagement in mind: 1) resident service in a cultural setting other than the student’s home culture; 2) stateside service in the homebase of an cross-cultural organization; or 3) ministry that involves mobilizing both workers and senders in the local church. As a part of their program, students carry out a field internship in a cross-cultural setting under the supervision of an experienced cross-cultural worker.
- Program Outcomes
Students completing the BA in Intercultural Studies will be able to:
1. Outline a biblical theology of intercultural service through both the Old and the New Testaments.
2. Create a basic plan for a sound cross-cultural program in a local church context.
3. Produce a well-structured appeal for financial and spiritual support of an entry level cross-cultural work.
4. Articulate a clear and specific understanding of the place of Western Global Ambassador Partners in the contemporary global Christian community.
5. Demonstrate a field-based understanding of cross-cultural life and work.
6. Produce introductory ethnographic research demonstrating a comprehension of basic anthropological principles
Meet Your Faculty Contact
“Come and learn the heart of God for this world by engaging His Word and preparing for cross-cultural service in the Master's harvest field.”
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