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Holy Grit: Reflections on Hebrews for Cultivating a Faith that Lasts

New from Academic Dean Chad Ragsdale: Holy Grit is a chapter-by-chapter study of Hebrews for developing spiritual perseverance. 

Each of us could list people we love who have tragically walked away from the faith. We could also share our own stories of spiritual weariness as we attempt to follow Jesus faithfully in this world. The need for faithful resilience has always been imperative for disciples of Jesus, and that is true as ever in our post-Christian culture.

Dr. Ragsdale wrote this book to help you develop this faithful resilience—what he calls holy grit. Scripture is our best guide for developing holy grit, particularly through the Book of Hebrews. The development of perseverance, or grit, is the book’s primary concern.

Holy Grit goes chapter by chapter through Hebrews, highlighting what we can learn about faithfulness from its pages. The goal is that weary Christians would read this and be encouraged to develop the mindset and habits conducive to perseverance.


Holy Grit is published by OCC Press, a new imprint from Ozark Christian College. You want to understand God’s Word, but many resources are either for beginners or scholars. At OCC Press, you’ll find trustworthy, biblical resources in everyday language. Watch for more on OCC Press, coming soon.